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Friday 4 June 2010

About Filomena Adefarakan

As you see in the Title this Blog is meant to be about ME!

Who is Filomena Adefarakan?

I have thought about this a long time on how I can get you to know me better and maybe even share with you what my plans are and maybe even just tell you what I have been up to for the past few months.

Here it goes are you ready??

Filomena Adefarakan? Hmm?
" Oh yes I know her! " some would say, specially if you ask some of my friends they would say
" Hey she is first of all a Mother of 5 ". That is just a Task on its own some would say!

Motherhood can be a challenging Task specially if you have more than one child.
But with each child the task gets more interesting as they are individually so special to me.
I love talking about my kids and would give them the world on a plate if I could, but lets not just get into that now as this Blog is meant to be about me and not about my children or my Motherhood.

Filomena Adefarakan?

Where is that name from? some might ask.

Well Filomena originates from Italy or more specific from Sicily and I will surely get more into that part of the world in another blog maybe but not now.
Funny thing is that I was not born in Sicily but in a Town/City called Saarbruecken which is in the south-east of Germany. I grew up and went to school in Germany and had a lot of fun spending time with friends and Family until I decided to move to the UK in 1997.
As promised I will get more to this part of my Life in a later Blog.

You might think " hold on Adefarakan does not sound Italian or German for that matter. Where does that part come from? "
Oops did I forget to mention that I was married to a Nigerian? Well as you can see I said "was" and that means not no more.
It took me a long time to get to terms with this but I will let you in on some of my experience with that culture in a later blog.

Well lets just continue with ME!

I have been working for a company here in the UK for a while until my Back-Problem did not allow me to continue with my job. I really liked my job as the people I worked with were just fun to know and work with. I will dedicate a whole blog for that part on a later date if that's ok, but for now lets just continue with me!

Ok since my health problems got a bit worse for me and I was unable to continue in my job I had to look for other options for me to make a living.
I thought of finding something online as nowadays you hear so much about people making a living online, so I thought to give it a try.
I must tell you that I have looked up this working from Home trend for a while now, to be more specific for the past few years and never got the right thing somehow.
As we all know there are a few SCAMS out there but with a little bit of HELP one can differentiate which one is a Scam and which is not.

So there you go, now you know my Intentions here, I want to help some people out there to find some Opportunities online for YOU to make a Living online too.

That's why I dedicated FREEDOM for MUMS for the Purpose to help Mums and maybe even Dads to join me on My Online Journey to be able to live with financial Freedom.

Don't get me wrong am not here to tell you that you can get rich quick as that is a blatant Lie!
If you are willing to put in some work in this for you to make a living Online I am here to help you wherever it is in my Range to help.
With a bit of Effort on your part and the help you can get from Me or other people who are there to help


And here we go again I got sidetracked from the main reason of this blog.
It's supposed to be about me, well let's try this again.

Ok lets start like this!

Filomena Adefarakan was born in 1966 in Saarbruecken which is in Germany.
Her roots are Italian or more specifically Sicilian.
She grew up and lived in Germany until 1997 until she moved with her Family ( consisting of her then husband and 3 of her children called Marvin, Debbie and Zion ) to the UK.
She had 2 more children here in the UK and they are Victor and Caroline.
She lives in London near enough to the O2 Arena and loves to live with her children and enjoy Life each and every day as it comes.
She and her children enjoy going for meals, sometimes they go Cinema or any other day they just enjoy watching a movie together at home.
They all love Music, singing and dancing and also enjoy swimming, but swimming is not the same if they are not in another country with a lovely beach.
That's why they love Sicily so much.
As promised she will get more into that later.
As you can see she loves travelling as well and maybe will let you know about some lovely Spots in this world she has been to.
She is fluent in English and German of course and can teach you some of her romantic Mother- tongue which is Italian.
She also speaks a little French and can somehow have a conversation with her spanish speaking friends, which means she replies to them in an italian-spanish mix which brings a lot of laughter in the conversation.
She likes to call herself MISS INTERNATIONAL and is sure You can guess why.

Is that enough now for You to know me a bit more?
I guess not but maybe you can follow me on


Maybe you want to find out a bit more about the Opportunities she has come across so far, which means you should check up her Blog a bit more often to see what she has in for you!

For now MISS INTERNATIONAL is off to go and continue with her Search for HER
Financial Freedom!!!


Skype: filo66.adefarakan
Tel: 07930438775

E-mail: filo66.adefarakan@gmail.com
Free website

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